News & Diary Dates

Find out what’s happening on The Howe, including upcoming projects and volunteer days for your diary.

Join our mailing list today to get our news and blogs direct to your inbox. Don’t forget to follow us via The Howe Trust Facebook page too!

Diary Dates

Want to Volunteer Flexibly?

You can always help us by adopting and tending a small area on the Howe – such as a patch of young tree saplings.
No tools or experience required – just wear gloves and old clothes.
Volunteers of all ages and abilities are very welcome.

Volunteer Work on The Howe

Throughout the year we run twice monthly afternoon or morning volunteer sessions, both midweek and at weekends.
If you’d like to help do get in touch and we’ll add you to our volunteer communications which go out via both WhatsApp and email.

Howe Volunteers' Socials

Twice a year we organise informal volunteer socials in the form of a BBQ or bring a dish event. It’s a great way to get to know your fellow volunteers and their families.

News from The Howe

A History of The Howe

A History of The Howe

Do you know the history of The Howe? Visitors often ask us how the land came to be owned in trust by the village, so we thought we'd write a…

1200 900 Maggie Fyffe
Pond – Progress So Far

Pond – Progress So Far

Back in February we announced in the Wheatley village newsletter that we had started to talk to experts about our trustees' long-held wish to create a wildlife pond on The…

1200 900 Maggie Fyffe
Get to Know Your Howe

Get to Know Your Howe

We’d love everyone to come and get to know The Howe this summer. So, in conjunction with Sustainable Wheatley and to celebrate Wheatley's Great Big Green Week, we're having a…

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Plant a Tree on The Howe

Plant a Tree on The Howe

Would you like to plant a tree* on The Howe and help biodiversity in Wheatley? Plant a Sapling Planting native species such as Cherry Plum, Bird Cherry, Hazel, Rowan, Silver…

800 533 Maggie Fyffe
Allotment News Jan 2023

Allotment News Jan 2023

New Committee members: Following the recent AGM we are very pleased to welcome Ivan Trotman and Jeremy Axden to the Committee – for a list of Committee members please see…

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