Discover Your Howe

An easy 1 mile, 30 min circular walk.  Suitable for children and adults with a basic level of fitness. There is a short upward hill section and it can be muddy with uneven terrain, so walking boots or wellies are recommended.

Please keep your dog on a lead in all areas of The Howe including in the allotments. Do not allow them to enter the ponds – flea and worm treatments are extremely toxic to aquatic life. Pick up and dispose of dog poo in the special bins provided.

  • Mobile Park Entrance

    From Littleworth Road, take the lane opposite the primary school in the direction of the mobile home park. Opposite the entrance’s parking area, turn left and pass through a metal gates and then a kissing gate into The Howe.

    Tombs Field

    This bottom field, known as ‘Tombs Field’, has trees around the perimeter and a small copse in the centre and it’s a place where you can often see Muntjac and Roe Deer.

    Years ago this field had 2 natural ponds but they were filled in in the 1970’s. Ponds are a vital habitat and so, with the help of grants, in 2024 we re-instated them.

    Note: This field often has sheep grazing in it which can be difficult to see. Flea and tick treatments are also toxic to pond-life so please keep your dog on a lead and out of the ponds.

  • Gate into Sheldon’s Field

    Pass through the gate and then turn immediately left through another gate into the field, known as ‘Sheldon’s Field’.

    Kissing Gate

    With a hedge on your left, walk uphill along a path up towards the kissing gate.

    Note: This field has sheep grazing in it year-round. Please continue to keep your dog on a lead and ensure you close both gates securely behind you.

  • Memorial Garden

    You are now in the memorial section of The Howe. Here villagers can apply to plant trees to celebrate the lives of loved ones.

    Picnic Bench

    This area has a picnic bench from which there are lovely views. There are also steps which lead down to the access point from Howe Close.

    Note: There is a litter bin for general rubbish in the memorial area, but please do not put dog poo bags in here. Instead use the special bin sited on the road next to the East Windmill Lane entrance.

  • Path Through Allotments

    Walk ahead past the picnic bench for approximately 25m before turning right to walk up via the path through the allotment area until you meet the East Windmill Lane entrance.

    Note: Please keep your dog on a lead as you walk through the allotments. The dog poo bin is just on the right here on the verge of Windmill Lane.

  • East Entrance

    Turn right to walk uphill on the footpath with the hedge on your left. You’ll pass a seating area and apple tree, and a small copse of ash trees on your right before you reach the main, middle gate for the allotments.

    Middle Entrance Area With Bench

    Note: If any of your party could do with a rest then there’s a bench here to relax and enjoy the view!

  • Main Track

    Continue walking straight ahead along the broad track with allotments on both sides, watching out for allotment holders’ cars. The views from this area are wonderful and on a clear day you can see not only the whole of Wheatley but over to the Otmoor and the Chilterns. Look out for the windmill at Brill too!

    Track Up To Windmill Lane

    Continue walking until you reach the end of the allotments and pass through the metal gate. Now walk left up to Windmill Lane.

    Note: There’s a dog poo bin just on the left here next to the road should you need it.

  • The Windmill

    If you continue along Windmill Lane 50m onto the bumpy section of the road you can stand by the gate and take a look at the Wheatley Windmill. It has been been fully restored. It is on private land but can be visited when they hold one of their regular open days over the summer.

  • Public Footpath

    To return to the walk, double back 50m and then take the public footpath on the left, immediately next to the allotment entrance in the direction of Littleworth Road. Continue downhill with hedges o both sides for approximately 150m until just before a steep slope with a handrail.

    Kissing Gate

    Here you will see a kissing gate on your right. Go through the gate. There is a litter bin for general rubbish (no dog poo bags please), and a wide path with a copse to your left.

    Note: While there is no livestock in this section of the walk, it is still an important habitat area – so please do keep your dog on a lead and do not let your them dig, climb or chase any wild animals or birds.

  • Central Path

    Continue walking along the wide grassy path with a large field to your right with our resident Balwen Welsh Mountain Sheep which are rare breed.

    This is the best place on The Howe to see and hear birds and butterflies. If you look carefully, you’ll also notice there are narrow trails in the grass and small tunnels through the thicket that have been made by the animals that live here.

    Fox Trail in Grass

    There are also anthills with yellow ants – welcome food for green and greater spotted woodpeckers. If you’re very quiet (and lucky) you might see a fox sunning himself in the field or a badger trotting back to his set!

    Note: On the slope down to the central gates there is a thicket on the left of the path which is made up of blackthorn. Blackthorn is a valuable habitat for Hairstreak butterflies to lay their eggs, but it is extremely thorny and if the sharp spines puncture human skin they can cause unpleasant infections. Please take care, and in particular, keep your children away.

  • End of the Walk

    Continue along the path, down to the central gate area. Here you can choose to finish your walk by turning right into ‘Sheldon’s Field’ up in the direction up towards the Howe Close exit – or left through ‘Tombs Field’ which is in the direction of the primary school on Littleworth Road and where you originally came from.

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