News & Diary Dates

Find out what’s happening on The Howe, including upcoming projects and volunteer days for your diary.

Join our mailing list today to get our news and blogs direct to your inbox. Don’t forget to follow us via The Howe Trust Facebook page too!

Diary Dates

Want to Volunteer Flexibly?

You can always help us by adopting and tending a small area on the Howe – such as a patch of young tree saplings.
No tools or experience required – just wear gloves and old clothes.
Volunteers of all ages and abilities are very welcome.

Volunteer Work on The Howe

Throughout the year we run twice monthly afternoon or morning volunteer sessions, both midweek and at weekends.
If you’d like to help do get in touch and we’ll add you to our volunteer communications which go out via both WhatsApp and email.

Howe Volunteers' Socials

Twice a year we organise informal volunteer socials in the form of a BBQ or bring a dish event. It’s a great way to get to know your fellow volunteers and their families.

News from The Howe

Hamper Campaign 2024

Hamper Campaign 2024

This Christmas was the 5th year of running The Howe Trust Hamper Campaign - how time flies! Every year this important initiative helps some of the most vulnerable families in…

2016 1512 Maggie Fyffe
How We Look After The Howe

How We Look After The Howe

Here on The Howe we've often been asked why, when we chop down trees or trim back scrub, we don't tidy up afterwards. And why, we leave logs and cuttings…

1344 624 Maggie Fyffe
Into Social Media?

Into Social Media?

The Howe Trust have a NEW opening for a Social Media Volunteer. This role is open to all - but could suit a student or young person interested in business…

1200 800 Maggie Fyffe
Pond Safety on The Howe

Pond Safety on The Howe

The exceptional rain of the last few days has meant the 3 ponds in Tombs Field have gone from huge muddy holes with puddles in the bottom to now being…

1600 720 Maggie Fyffe
Welcome More Wildlife into Your Garden

Welcome More Wildlife into Your Garden

It's easy sometimes for us all to feel a little overwhelmed by fear for the future of wildlife and our planet. Doom scrolling on social media can be very stressful.…

1200 830 Maggie Fyffe
Ragwort – Friend or Foe?

Ragwort – Friend or Foe?

June and July are the months that bring both wildflowers and weeds to The Howe. One plant that causes much controversy is Ragwort. There are 3 varieties of Ragwort, all…

640 480 Maggie Fyffe
Pond Digging Started Today!

Pond Digging Started Today!

The Howe is all about providing an accessible green space for the community, alongside supporting and boosting the land’s value to the natural world. And having a wildlife pond at…

640 480 Maggie Fyffe
Student Volunteers

Student Volunteers

Here on The Howe, we love hearing from everyone who'd like to get involved in our work. No matter your age, ability or experience there is always something you can…

640 480 Maggie Fyffe
Allotment Tips – Couch Grass

Allotment Tips – Couch Grass

Look after the edges and the middle will look after itself’ – zero tolerance for Couch grass? One of the challenges of an allotment is controlling perennial weeds. That is…

1200 779 georgina glenny
Hampers – can you help?

Hampers – can you help?

Did you know that the Howe Trust is not only a custodian of the 26 acres of land but that we're also a charity that support local people who are…

2560 1707 Maggie Fyffe
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