Situated off Windmill lane, the allotments command a great view of the village. The Allotment Association welcome new members – both beginners and those with more experience. Their friendly community share ideas, tips, plants and seeds and are happy to provide advice about how to get started. Members can also access shared machinery such as cultivators and strimmers.
Our Approach
The allotments are situated at the top of the Howe Trust land and the Allotment Association share a strong belief in the importance of playing a role in conserving biodiversity and managing our plots sustainably.
We try to support each other and debate and share ideas about the best ways of growing crops. Allotment gardeners can choose to cultivate organically and avoid ingesting chemicals frequently present in commercially grown crops. We can also grow varieties not easily available from the shops.
The Association organises opportunities for the sharing of seeds but there is also a lot of informal swapping of plants and ideas about best varieties to grow on the Howe. The soil on the Howe is largely light and sandy, so easy to work but liable to leach nutrition and water rather easily – so providing a regular source of mulch is necessary. Allotment holders usually have their own composting area to recycle green and brown (e.g. cardboard) waste to provide a cheap source of plant nutrition. The Association also organises an annual delivery of manure.
Communicating – Notices and Blogs
The allotments community circulate allotment-specific news – such as manure deliveries or when rents are due – via our notice boards as well as regular emails to all allotment holders who like to receive notices digitally.
From time to time the allotment committee also post blogs for vegetable and fruit growers on this website. Other blogs of a more general nature including what’s happening on The Howe or subjects such as biodiversity etc are also posted here. If you join the mailing list via this website all of these can be delivered directly to your email inbox.
Some recent allotment blogs include:
Tips on Dealing with Couch Grass
There is also a Facebook Group Page for allotment holders to join and discuss topics relevant to growing with others from the community.
Allotment Costs
Approx Plot Size –
190 sq m
Approx Plot Size –
100 sq m
With Paved Surround – Approx 8ft x 4ft
Interested in an allotment plot?
We often have vacant plots, but when none are available we also keep a waiting list. To enquire please complete the this form and we will be in contact.