Posts By :

Maggie Fyffe

Get to Know Your Howe

Get to Know Your Howe

We’d love everyone to come and get to know The Howe this summer. So, in conjunction with Sustainable Wheatley and to celebrate Wheatley's Great Big Green Week, we're having a special open day on Sunday 18th June 2-5pm. Discover the varied habitats and learn about the plans we have for encouraging wildflowers, planting new hedgerows…

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324 156 Maggie Fyffe
Plant a Tree on The Howe

Plant a Tree on The Howe

Would you like to plant a tree* on The Howe and help biodiversity in Wheatley? Plant a Sapling Planting native species such as Cherry Plum, Bird Cherry, Hazel, Rowan, Silver Birch, Crab Apple, Whitebeam, and Alder can really help our wildlife. Each 90-120cm bareroot sapling, with a cane and tree guard (to protect it from…

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800 533 Maggie Fyffe
Allotment News Jan 2023

Allotment News Jan 2023

New Committee members: Following the recent AGM we are very pleased to welcome Ivan Trotman and Jeremy Axden to the Committee – for a list of Committee members please see below.  The Committee aims to address and resolve issues and concerns of allotment holders so please get in touch with a committee member if you…

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640 480 Maggie Fyffe
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